Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sankt Hans Dag

Last night the high priests celebrated Sankt Hans Day /Misdummer's Eve at Lis and Jens Andersen's summer home on the Roskilde Fjord.  We had a lovely barbeque and then joined all the residents of the area carrying lighted torches to the beach to light the bonfire to burn the witch and send her to  Brocken in the Harz Mountains in Germany to join all the other witches there.
  A bit of a combination of two celebrations.  Sankt Hans Day celebrates John the Baptist's birthday 6 months before Christ's and is usually celebrated on June 23, but this community always celebrates the Saturday before so all the weekend visitors can participate.

The witch is getting a good start..
This is a serious fire.  It could never happen in Utah, the state would be burned up.

There was a short speech and then everyone sang two traditional songs special for this holiday.  It was especially fun for the Hansens and us to be part of this unique Danish tradition.

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