Sunday, November 22, 2015

Major Adventure

Saturday was a super day in the temple.  We were running all ordinances at capacity. We had an Own Endowment, live sealing of a woman to her deceased parents, big baptism, full initiatory and used both sealing rooms for the 10,00 and 12.00 sessions, plus an extra 2.00 pm session.
  This darling couple, Jonas Kelstrup and Maria Petersen started the day with their marriage, which Jim was able to perform.  He received his marriage authority from the state, just in time.
This was just the beginning of the day as we were invited to their reception at the church, which we couldn't attend as we were in the temple, but also to their private family/friend party in a lovely old farm -turned reception center about 40 miles away, close to Roskilde.
   It was snowing a little as we left, but the closer we got the more snow. We finally made it over small country roads and had a great time.
 Age-old tradition, when the guests beat on their plates with silverware, the couple has to climb on their chairs and kiss for the duration of the beating.

When guest stomp their feet, the couple kiss under the table.
 If either the bride or groom are left alone, the opposite sex can line up for a kiss.

  The food throughout the night was spaced around various, talks, tributes, songs, etc by certain invited  relatives and friends.  It was a fun night until we were ready to go at 11.30 and saw this out the window,,
This really doesn't do it justice.  There was over a foot of snow and we were unable to get our car out of the parking lot, let alone over the little unplowed, country roads.  Pres. Olsen offered to bring us home in his big four-wheeled car. We were most grateful as we heard others had to stay the night. We did make it home by 2.45 a.m. but will have to go back get our car in the next day or two.
  Roskilde had to cancel church as they had about two feet of snow, but here in Copenhagen it was only 4 or 5 inches.  By today it was mostly slush.
   This is more snow than we have ever seen in Denmark.
   Since we didn't have a car, we just walked to our old ward here in Frederiksberg and it was great to see old friends again.

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