Sunday, September 7, 2014


Have I complained yet here about the barbecuing rules of our apartment building?  We got a brand new barbecue for our deck only to have a notification put on the elevator door that barbecuing on your balcony was only allowed from 6-8 on Friday and Saturday nights!  It has taken me a while to come to understand this.  Who would care what and how you cooked?  I wasn't very polite to the building chairman when he came by as he tried to explain to me that Denmark is a democracy and everyone voted.  He said there was serious consideration to not allowing any barbecuing at all, but they compromised.  I have finally figured out that what you do outside your apartment effects everyone else and I guess people don't like the smell of grilling meat.....really?.
   So with those rules I have set Saturday night apart as grilling night.  We get out of the temple in the afternoon so have time to come home and enjoy it.  Last night we had my favorite: Barbecued Turkey with the missionary couples and the Paulsens who had been taking pictures and driving our General Authorities around all day.


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